Bloom Fine Arts Preschool (Oak Ridge) Registration Form
2025-2026 School Year
Student Information
Mother / Guardian Information
Father / Additional Guardian Information
Authorizations Releases
I (here by) authorize Bullseye Entertainment Inc. dba Destination Arts/Bloom Fine Arts Preschool staff to secure medical attention for my child in case of serious illness or accident. I will assume full cost of said medical treatment and will not hold Bullseye Entertainment Inc. dba Destination Arts/Bloom Fine Arts Preschool financially responsible for these costs. I do (here by) release Bullseye Entertainment Inc. dba Destination Arts/Bloom Fine Arts Preschool, their staff and/or volunteers from any and all claim and liabilities of whatsoever nature, both individually and collectively, that may arise from my child participating in activities at Bullseye Entertainment Inc. dba Destination Arts/Bloom Fine Arts Preschool.
I allow Bullseye Entertainment Inc. dba Destination Arts/Bloom Fine Arts Preschool to use my child's name and photographic likeness in all forms and media for advertising, trade or any lawful purpose.
I understand that this is a full school year program and that I will be billed Sept-May on the 1st of each month. I understand that admission will be granted on a space available basis. I understand that I must submit the a health statement and immunization form by the first day of school. I understand that I can withdraw at any time, but no refunds will be made for withdrawals or absences.
I verify my student is fully potty trained. "Potty trained" is defined as wearing underwear during the day, will ask to go, and can go independently.
Printed Name of the above signed
Preschool Class Options
Children entering our 3 and 4-year-old programs should be potty-trained. All classes meet from 9:00am until 12:00pm.